Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Why are our children suffering?

It is said that there are strong links to the vaccinations given in babyhood and to allergic illnesses, neurological diseases and behaviors in childhood/ teenagers and adult life. 

Links to the ever increasing numbers of children diagnosed with autism, eczema, asthma, coeliac conditions, epilepsy, hyperactivity, skin disorders, autoimmune disorders, depression and anxiety are now being exposed by ever increasing medical research, for us to make the choice. 

Also coming to light are links to cancer and diabetes in children and adults and Alzheimer’s in later life.

Visit are website for more information.

1 comment:

  1. Finlay was born on 6th May 2005 around 41 weeks by normal delivery…he fed well from the breast and his Health Record details that he attained his developmental milestones at the appropriate age.
    In May 2008 aged 3 years Finlay began pre-school. First impressions were that he was “very able; a bright intelligent boy with a keen interest in his environment.”
    In October 2008 Finlay had the MMR vaccine.
    In the December we noticed significant changes in Finlay’s behaviour. The pre-school now reported that he was disruptive, his concentration was poor and he was easily distracted. He found it hard to sit still and became easily over excitable. He struggled to use a pencil/paint brush and scissors, and avoided toys or activities which required the co-ordinated use of both hands. They noted that he was finding it hard to listen and then carry out an instruction, which in turn meant that he was unable to, or had difficulty, carrying out a task.
    At home Finlay had stopped responding to us. He began to avoid eye contact. Sudden changes in home routine led to anxiety and tantrums. At times he would bang his head against walls when he didn’t get his way or couldn’t do something.
    He started to rapidly nod/shake his head and make repetitive sounds when required to be in one place for any length of time, and simply couldn’t sit still.
    He began licking items and talking very loudly. He became very sensitive (paranoid at times) to specific noises, such as cows mooing, wasps/bees and electric hand dryers. He would shut doors and would get perplexed if they were reopened. He would put his hands over his ears, run away or in circles, and then withdraw and do his own thing.
    He became less inclined to try out anything new, and instead stuck with the same simple toys, books and DVDs. He refused to wear certain textures, and became an extremely faddy eater constantly complaining about the smell, taste and texture of food.
    After years of seeking out treatments and methods to help Finlay, including following a vitamin and mineral programme devised by FORESIGHT, Auditory Integration Training at The Sound Learning Centre London, and a physiotherapy programme at the Lee Medical Practice, our 7 year old is a much happier child. He now has a full statement and is back in mainstream school.
    Each day is a new journey…some are good, some are bad…as Finlay learns to cope in a world where he feels he does not fit in.
    I regret my decision to give him the MMR…something I have to now live with every day.
    Think carefully…the evidence is out there…one day so will the truth.
