Thursday, 14 March 2013

Arnica Group

I started the Kingston upon Thames branch early in 2007 when I had wanted to meet other parents who had concerns regarding the vaccination programme.  We didn’t know of any other parents who had not vaccinated and this was beginning to make us feel very isolated in my health choices for our children, among many friends and GP’s surgery.  I have since found out that up to 35,000 parents every year do not vaccinate at all, and I can now walk to 10 families who have chosen not to vaccinate.

Like many mums of very young babies, I found it nearly impossible to wade through the mountain of conflicting evidence, made more difficult with a sleep deprived brain! I gave my son the first mercury free DT at 5 months (not Polio as it was live and gave a higher risk of becoming paralysed than actually contracting Polio).  My doctor remarked that I was being irrational but several months later when the government announced ‘inactive Polio’ and a reduced mercury I felt justified in my decision.  In fact I never gave any subsequent vaccines and as we continued to look into the health issues, we found that on balance there was much to support our view, that the non-vaccinated child was healthier than the vaccinated.

What began with half a dozen parents meeting from our area has developed with more than 200 people who have attended the monthly meetings at some time, and new groups starting every month in different areas.  See the Arnica UK network page for the full listing, currently 75 UK groups. We discuss related issues to boosting our immune system naturally, eg reducing toxins, holistic health, vaccinations and travelling, homeopathic alternatives to vaccinations, taking the fear from childhood disease, nutrition, early childhood brain development, education….. and we have welcomed some excellent speakers.  For example Ralph Jeutter, Trevor Gunn, Jayne Donegan GP, Roy Riggs and Janine Roberts.

Groups also meet informally during the day with their children and it has been wonderful to make friends with like-minded people.

We also share information regularly by using the Yahoo group, Arnicaparents on related health issues.  For example, it has proved very helpful in urgent dialogue re-experiences.  Eg. ‘My child has impetigo, any natural remedies?’ ‘Any ideas for a persistent cough’.  As several members of the group are alternative and mainstream practitioners, the advice is well grounded.

Members are also encouraged to forward interesting pieces of research or articles eg. An interview with a doctor who claims that most repeat ear infections are as a result of antibiotics and, hasn’t prescribed drugs for 12 years or world-wide studies which link aseptic meningitis after certain vaccines! And each branch will still have an email list to keep in touch with local and urgent matters.

Arnica is a parent lead group for parents and health practitioners, and all are welcome to comment on how it may work better.  We want all to feel respected and welcome, regardless of vaccination status….. because natural health is a journey.  Our aim is that all areas of the UK have a group, whatever the name, so that this vital topic of Natural Immunity can be kept alive.

Thank you so much for your interest

Anna Watson

Thursday, 7 March 2013

VRM: First Strike – The Dark Side of The Vitamin K Shot

4th December 2010 - By Joel Lord

Apart from the trauma inflicted on a newborn of getting the shot, the amount of Vitamin K injected into newborns is 20,000 times the needed dose. The injection also contains a preservative, Benzyl alcohol, that can be especially toxic on your baby’s delicate, young immune system.

A parent has to keep asking themselves, ‘Is this procedure really necessary?’ The answer is typically no. Natural health awareness requires a paradigm shift away from the limits of western medicine, a re-education toward self sufficiency. Trusting in nature’s storehouse of resources, understanding the proportional requirements which best serve the body; the learning curve toward such know-how takes a lot more convincing, especially given mainstream Industry propaganda.

‘Babies who have been identified as being at risk for vitamin K deficiency include those born to mothers who took drugs or antibiotics during pregnancy, premature babies and babies who are born cesarean. Mothers who had maternity diets low in high vitamin K foods or had diets that were low in fat have also been identified as being more likely to bear vitamin K deficient babies.’

I’ve encountered parents who claim their children are vaccine-free but for the Vitamin K shot. Such is another clear misconception parents have to begin addressing. Your baby will normally acquire sufficient levels of Vitamin K via the placenta & colostrum. In the rare instance a mother is a carrier of the ‘hemophiliac gene’; where-in she possesses a damaged X chromosome which can be passed on to the child, her baby theoretically becomes vulnerable to Vitamin K deficiency, and in extreme cases, the potential for hemorrhaging. The female body, however, is designed to counter this very problem. The point is the risk is routinely exaggerated without just cause, alternatives discouraged.

‘Every DNA molecules is composed of two strands. When a cell detects a DNA duplex with a difference between its two DNA strands, that duplex is “repaired” by the rather Draconian expedient of chopping out the entire region, on both strands of the DNA molecule. No effort is made by the cell to determine which strand is correct — both are discarded. The gap that this creates is filled by copying off the sequence present at that region on the other chromosome. All this editing happens when the two versions of the chromosome are paired closely together in the early stages of gamete (egg and sperm) formation, the process we biologists call meiosis.

All females have two copies of the “so-called” X chromosome. The X chromosome is about the same size as other 22 human chromosomes, which also occur in pairs, and like them is packed with some 1000 genes. The reason there are two copies of the X and other chromosome is to allow for the repair of the inevitable damage that occurs over time to individual genes because of wear-and-tear, chemical damage, and mistakes in copying. Because this sort of damage is passed on to offspring, it tends to accumulate over time. For this reason, genes must be edited every so often to repair the accumulated mutations (biologists call damage to genes mutation).

Doctors stubbornly adhere to this invasive procedure without any consideration of its traumatic nature on a newborn; typically lacking an overall holistic understanding of natural immunity. The Vitamin K shot, like that of Hepatitis B administered at 12 hours old, has its own inherent risks which place it in a similar tier & category to all other early shots given to babies. Just say, “No thank you!”

Try to always find the optimal organic source which contains the given Vitamin in it’s natural form, and ensure that it is pure, without derivatives or chemical and/or synthetic additives. As an example Kale contains the optimal balance of Vitamins A, C, E & K – a powerhouse of antioxidants. In the case of your baby you can puree the vegetable enough to ensure it is palatable. If you have no alternative then choose a supplement that is proven to be 100% natural & organic; but again natural is superior.

Additionally the mother’s placenta & breast milk (Colostrum) are inextricably linked, providing a baby’s primary initial source of nourishment through the long journey of formation in utero; while supplying the basic building blocks of life necessary to guarantee a safe transition into early childhood development. Mothers to be are advised to store up on phytonutrients while your baby is in utero. Continue nourishing the immune system especially during the 1st year after your child is born. Remember mothers, you share the same immunity with your baby during the in utero phase!

Phytonutrients work as antioxidants to disarm free radicals before they can damage DNA and cell membranes. Recent research indicates that the phytonutrients in vegetables like kale work at a much deeper level, signaling our genes to increase production of enzymes involved in detoxification, the cleansing process by which the body eliminates harmful compounds.

Kale is a rich source of organosulfur compounds, which have been shown to reduce the risk of many cancers, especially one of the most deadly forms, colon cancer; due to their unique role in blocking the growth of cancer cells and inducing cancer cell death (apoptosis). Organosulfur compounds known as glucosinolates are present in the cruciferous vegetables of the Brassica genus. These compounds are broken down into potent anticancer compounds called isothiocyanates in the body, which are powerful inducers of cancer-destroying enzymes & inhibitors of carcinogenesis.

‘The body does not readily utilise synthetic vitamins and minerals. The vitamin K administered by hospitals to newborns is the synthetic phytonadione. The natural forms of vitamin K that are found in many foods, particularly in vegetables such as collard greens, spinach, broccoli, asparagus, brussels sprouts and salad greens, are a different form – they are called phylloquinone or menaquinone. Certain bacteria in the intestinal tract also produce menaquinones.

Apart from its synthetic nature, it is based on plant Vitamin K and injected. The body utilises vitamins and minerals that are found in plants and creates the human form it needs, but this is after they go through the digestion process, which obviously does not occur with injections.’

“The Vitamin K shot has been linked to leukaemia, including acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, which is characterized by an increased number of white corpuscles in the blood, and accounts for about 85 percent of childhood leukaemia. Research carried out by Dr. Louise Parker, of the Sir James Spence Institute of Child Health in Newcastle upon Tyne, produced the most startling results. Dr. Louise Parker was quoted in the British Medical Journal in 1998 as stating, “It is not possible, on the basis of currently published evidence, to refute the suggestion that neonatal IM vitamin K administration increases the risk of early childhood leukemia.”

AquaMEPHYTON injection is a yellow, sterile, aqueous colloidal solution of vitamin K1, with a pH of 5.0 to 7.0, available for injection by the intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous routes. Each milliliter contains:
Phytonadione: 2 mg or 10 mg
Inactive ingredients:
Polyoxyethylated fatty acid derivative : 70 mg
Dextrose: 37.5 mg
Water for Injection, q.s: 1 mL
Added as preservative: Benzyl alcohol: 0.9%

‘Benzyl alcohol is used as a preservative. The problem with this compound is that young children cannot metabolise benzyl alcohol into hippuric acid using benzoic acid, which can result in an accumulation of chiefly benzoic acid. The side effects that have been described as a result of this substance accumulating in the central nervous system include metabolic acidosis, vasodilation, paralysis, epileptic seizures, respiratory depression and death.’

The European Directive “Excipients in the Label and Package leaflet of Medicinal Products for Human Use”, states the following with respect to the parenteral use of benzyl alcohol:

Exposure to less than 90 mg/kg/day:
“Must not be given to premature babies or neonates. May cause toxic reactions and allergic reactions in infants and children up to 3 years old.”

Exposure to more than 90 mg/kg/day:
“Must not be given to premature babies or neonates. due to the risk of fatal toxic reactions arising from exposure to benzyl alcohol in excess of 90 mg/kg/day, this product should not be used in infants and children up to 3 years old.”

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

From VINE facebook page 16.02.2013


Posted by: The Liberty Beacon™ Staff
Published February 16, 2013, filed under

No matter how many times I have written about vaccines the subject never fails to throw a harpoon through my heart. Just to know and see innocent children everywhere being attacked by pediatric doctors from the moment they are born is enough to shake a person to ones core.

A comprehensive evaluation of eight common childhood vaccines has found that any adverse effects from vaccines are very rare or very minor. The report, issued last week by a panel of experts assembled by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), said there is no evidence that childhood vaccines cause autism, diabetes, facial palsy or episodes of asthma. They are lying because scientifically it’s impossible to conclude this. Several of the chemicals or heavy metals that are in vaccines are independently known to cause severe disease.

Mercury contamination causes autism, diabetes and many other chronic diseases and is even known under certain circumstances to cause sudden death. The aluminum that is in many vaccines is not a piece of cake either and the two together are 100 times more toxic than either alone.

The IOM says that these conclusions are based on the analysis of more than 1,000 research studies in peer-reviewed journals but they forget to mention that these research studies are heavily biased. The institute had been asked by the federal government to review whether or not the eight vaccines caused specific adverse effects as claimed by people seeking redress from a national vaccine injury compensation program. The government does not like paying out money to anyone injured by vaccines and they will fight tooth and nail against the unfortunate families who have been devastated by their vaccines.

The panel did find convincing evidence, its highest category of proof, that vaccines have been linked to adverse effects, including seizures and inflammation of the brain. It also found that a chickenpox vaccine could cause pneumonia, meningitis or hepatitis years later if the virus, normally suppressed by the immune system, re-emerged after the immune system had been weakened.

Vaccines are a cornerstone of modern medicine and that cornerstone weighs heavily on the honesty and intelligence of doctors everywhere. Parents SHOULD NOT take comfort in the report’s conclusions about vaccine safety. Those inclined to seek ways to have their children evade mandatory vaccinations need to be assured that they are doing the right thing and that vaccination is absolutely the worst way to protect anyone from the risk of contracting dangerous diseases.

If you want to have a healthy child, stay away from vaccines! If you want to have a healthy pregnancy stay away from any OB/GYN doctors who have not the slightest idea of what they are doing to pregnant women and their unborn children when they inject them with unnecessary and dangerous vaccines. I was talking to a woman in her eighth month of pregnancy and she said it was too late for my warnings. Then she rattled off a long string of shots her doctor had prescribed for her.

Most doctors know little to nothing about nutrition and even less about toxicology. They have rubberstamped the elite class’s dependency on using chemical, heavy metal and radioactive poisons to earn fortunes.

As I have been saying, we do not need to wait for a one-world government to make our collective lives miserable. The United Nations and the World Health Organization already dictate a unified policy across the globe. When we trust the wrong people we receive consequences that cause us pain and suffering and sometimes even the death of our children. You will never catch a mainstream media report talking about vaccine deaths even though they fit right into their “rare” category. The death of a few thousand kids is just too rare to mention for these monsters who have the bloodstreams of our young in their disgusting hands.

Can We Trust?
There is no reason that we should trust the powers that be especially when it has something to do with the field of medicine. Actually we cannot trust them at all and you can tell from the following video, the powers that be do not want us to challenge their cruel consensus reality and it eventually will get to the point where they will shoot us on sight for doing so.

Video: Obama Warns Not To Challenge Official 9/11 Story.
The president speaks of facts. Would love to hear him explain the factors about World Trade Center building number seven and how that one came down on its own footprint with hardly a scratch on its structure. But there are fools everywhere who believe their own rhetoric and even worse fools who believe in and trust the most un-trustable people and organizations.

Newborn Deaths
Babies in the United States have a higher risk of dying during their first month of life than do babies born in 40 other countries, according to a
new report. In 2009, an estimated 3.3 million babies died during their first four weeks of life. How many of these babies died from the vaccines given them and from those given to their mothers when still in the womb?

Newborn deaths would probably be vastly reduced if the doctors and nurses would leave the children alone, meaning stop the use of vaccines. Many years ago the Japanese stopped vaccinating children less than two years of age and the number of sudden deaths among the newborn dropped precipitously. The one-world medical government has deliberately forgotten all about that. They’ve gone the opposite direction by making sure fetuses feel their boot by injecting poisons into their mothers’ bloodstreams, knowing full well how much of that will settle into the woman’s womb.

We live in an obscene civilization run by obscene people and institutions. We as a people have been too wimpy in front of the growing plague of leaders who have sold their souls but lose very little sleep over it. We could have used a true holy war against these people, a war where people of all religions unite against all the ones at the top who have only profanities coming out of their mouths and hearts. They are the true enemy and it is amazing how deeply they reach into everyone’s lives, even to those who are still resting quietly in the wombs of their mothers.

by: Mark Sircus., AC, OMD

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

History from the 1950's

At four months old my beautiful little daughter had a Vaccine injection put into the sole of the heel of the right foot.

At eight months old she started to become paralysed, right leg, bladder and bowel.  At the time we had no idea why.  We were horrified and bewildered.  She was sent from medic to medic.

Ultimately a tumour was discovered on the spinal cord. It was removed. Then ten months later another one was found.  Three of the nerves going down the right leg had died.   Other organs were affected.

A whole  convent of wonderful nuns prayed for her life, and it has continued.  Only comparatively lately have we discovered that the nerves from the heel connect to the affected area of the spinal cord.  Many years after it all happened we realise it was the injection that had caused it.  Nobody told us at the time, - or subsequently.

Parents need to consider the likelihood of tumours developing.  Child cancer seems to be increasing all the time.  I think much of it can only be down to the poison injected into the children working over a period of time, by these terrible vaccination programmes. 

Please do share your stories with other parents.  I feel strongly that everybody needs to be given fully informative facts about the vaccines being offered.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Shared from The Liberty Beacon staff. 16.01.13

Whooping Cough Outbreak Involved 90% Vaccinated Kids

Vermont has declared a statewide epidemic of whooping cough that started in 2012 and has continued into the year 2013. To date there has been a total of 612 confirmed cases of pertussis of which 90% have been vaccinated against the bacteria with the Tdap vaccine. The New England Journal of Medicine released a study that parallels this outbreak showing that of the confirmed cases of whooping cough the majority of them, 80%, had received multiple Tdap vaccinations – with most receiving 5 or 6 doses.

The mainstream media has decided the only way to prevent the spread of the bacteria is to have everyone get their vaccinations, while refusing to acknowledge the overwhelming connection between vaccinated patients and outbreak victims. These vaccines have managed to damage and weaken the immune systems of children and adults leading to epidemic levels of fully vaccinated people becoming sick and contagious. More information and research links below….

With new vaccines and new medication hitting the market on a daily basis you would think we would have a population of healthy, thriving individuals. Instead, we have a growing number of childhood illness and chronic disorders that only makes the pharmaceutical companies more money.
With the ultimate goal of turning people into patients, and being healthy into a diagnosis, how much longer will it be until these statistics are made public knowledge and an opt-in program for vaccinations is established?

What is the accumulated damage suffered in receiving multiple vaccinations that offer little if no protection at all?

The powers-that-be want vaccinations to become synonymous with medication; and now that they are admitting the vaccines wane over time, eventually they will be promoted on a daily basis just like taking your vitamins and eating you’re breakfast.

I can only imagine that in the near future the New World Order’s medical media minions will ask, “Have you had your morning vaccinations and medications?”

Read original here:

Shared from VINE Face Book page Friday 18.01.13

At 18 months I took my son for his shots. Something in my gut said "don't do it", but I listened to everyone else. You stay at the clinic for some time after the shots to be sure nothing bad happens. Everything seemed fine. We went home.

...Shortly after getting home I put him in his high chair for lunch. He was quieter than normal. For the next hour I watched him change. He went from being my bright-eyed, smiling, starting-to-talk baby to a zombie. He didn't respond the same. He didn't make eye contact any more. The spark vanished. My son was not the same.

He has Autism. Early intervention has made a big difference for my son, who is now 5. He makes eye contact again and has learned to verbally express himself. Thank God his case is not severe. Thank God he is affectionate and social. He is smart and beautiful. We have certain challanges but we are working to overcome them. I believe his future is bright.

I believe that there is something in the shots that can trigger something in certain people. No two people are the same. To say to someone that there is no risk is thoughtless. My son if proof. He changed in a short period of time shortly after being injected. You cannot tell me there is no link. If there was no risk they wouldn't tell you to stick around after injecting your child.
The main thing I want people to hear from me...if your gut tells you something listen to it! I don't want you to live with the guilt that haunts me.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

My first son was fully breast fed and 100% healthy, until a 4months he had his first DPT jab.

He developed constant diahoreah and cried a great deal. His cheeks went pale and he did not look happy.  He became hyperactive and fretful, and did not gain weight well. We did not realise the connection at the time and he had all 3 DPT jabs and each time he became more and looked more poorly. The hyperactivity became worse.  We did not realise at the time that it was due to the jabs.  We were worried and unhappy about this development.

When he started school he was found to have dyslexia.  This has never resolved.

In the course of his school years we saw several psychologists, behavioural therapists and others, who were interested to discuss the problems, but were not able to help him.

The jabs contain brain damaging ingredients such as heavy metals (mercury and aluminium) and ‘parts’ from animals, calf lymph, monkey kidneys, chick embryo, fluid, sheep’s’ red blood cells, and parts from mice and guinea pigs.

A baby’s brain is developing rapidly at the time the jabs are given.  Nobody knows how injecting animal parts into a tiny baby is going to affect them.

However, it can ruin their life.  Be aware of this.  The usual childhood diseases – whooping-cough, measles, mumps, german measles, and chickenpox – they need to be looked after for about a week, then they are better.  This is not like mental problems that last a lifetime.

I hope other parents will come to this site and tell us any after effects they had.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

What are we creating for the future?

It seems patently clear to me and I hope that when you have read through the texts taken from the recommended books on board this website plus the medical papers you will also see, that we are creating a MONSTER - and making this monster even more horrific is the fact it is happening within our children, our next and subsequent generations. 

I suggest we STOP right here, right now. That as parents we take back the responsibility for our children, and we make the decision - not to vaccinate. We give the babies/ children a break and an opportunity to bring back the balance to this disease infested world we are at present creating. 

I doubt that there is a living soul on this beautiful planet of ours that doesn't know of, or is related to a family that is living with the repercussions of vaccination – a bold statement I know, and sadly I suspect a true one.

Visit are website for more information.

Why is this happening?

Although doctors are ultimately wanting to follow their code of ethics – ‘First Do No Harm’ we are seeing very clearly by scientists and medical doctor’s research, that where vaccinating is concerned this is not the case. 

From these studies we have discovered that although the intention appears to be safe ie. to prevent some nasty diseases the opposite is manifesting. 

We can see that the actual vaccine itself isn’t the cause but the ingredients used to make them ‘work’, so that they can be absorbed into the body, plus the preventatives needed to keep them with a reasonable ‘shelf life’. Mercury, aluminium, formaldehyde, animal parts and other viruses are inevitably present.

Visit are website for more information.